Well this post originally started with a little rant about the VAT fraud guys and what was in my opinion a very light sentence give to them. But then I noticed that I really don’t know enough about the case to really give a solid opinion about it. But personally, I still think the sentence was very light.
Apparently, the judges either had no common sense or they were in on some sweet deal regarding those stolen millions. Wait, what? Judges being corrupt? No way, they have principles, they wouldn't do that. Grow up, people suck, few people stick to principles, and lets face it, you screw over someone you don’t know and in return you buy your wife a diamond ring, and then she stops nagging you for a while and you can get a decent evening of rest – its almost fair game. Who even lost the millions of euros? I think it was the people, but I sure didn't feel it, and neither did you. So do we care?
Actually, before we answer that, let’s check: Should we care? Oh, sure we should, what, some immigrant took my job? Blacks out then! And wait up, wait up there, did you just say they're messing with our stipends? Hell no, lets show them what youth power is really about. Yeah, about selfishness, greed, and a total lack of compassion and caring for anyone that is not us. We're safe here, we're studying at University, most of us with a concrete plan for the future, a future where we will enter into a lucrative career, have a meaningful relationship with a partner who also has a lucrative career, have some children depending on time and energy left over after work, pay others to raise them and hope they turn out well, always impressing upon the child that unless he also makes economic security and social status his top priorities then he's wasting his life away. After spending 40 years in your career, you'll retire and in your old age you will enjoy the things you didn't have time for before, like spending time with your children...oh wait, they're adults and have moved away now. What about quality time with your significant other? Sure, you're still in love, but its a different love, its merely acceptance. You're used to each other's routines, few things are really interesting anymore. By now you're just empty shells, going through the motions, barely understanding the modern world and therefore hating it, forgetting when you were young and when the elderly treated your culture with contempt you laughed and said they just didn't understand...well look who's old now. "I'm 67, she's 65, let’s party! *breaks leg*" It just doesn't work, you've wasted your life in your work, deal with it now. What have you got to show for all that? Any creative work you did, a painting to hang on the wall, an album filled with music you've made yourself? A book, or even just a greater understanding of the world?
Sadly, probably not, if you've spent that long with the same mentality, you don't just suddenly become a free spirit because you've retired. Retiring just means your body is too old for work, and if it’s too old to handle sitting in an office all day, you can surely bet that it’s too tired to do anything meaningful. Well, you might just be able to become a philosopher, if you’re badass enough. Ok, good luck coming up with a philosophy you can write down and contribute something to humanity. Humanity, not society. I don’t want to contribute anything to a society where corruption and nepotism are practically an accepted status quo. The problem is that we have “soft despotism” ruling our way of life. The government’s taxes and laws are annoying, but most people are employed, making enough money to get by without too much hassle, so no one really cares that the people we elect of our own free will, the people we trust with making sure we can live comfortable, happy lives, are simply living off us like parasites. Ok, quick question, why did we vote for whoever we voted? Did we think, “Oh hey, this guy could very well, change things a bit, really make a difference.” Or was it more like “Lets see, 1 to 10 for the Nationalists/Labour”. With our traditional partisan culture we…what, partisan culture? Why do we still have this archaic practice? The fact is that no matter who wins the election, our lives won’t be much different because the parties aren’t so different. For all the difference your vote will make, might as well vote for independent nobodies. Might as well waste it.
A society like this is a failed society, and it’s about time we realise it and fix it. How? Through simple human passion. There is little passion in the world nowadays, too many youths focus on themselves and the mundane things in life without wishing to make a change. And when someone does want to make a change, it sure isn’t easy. It’s too easy to be caught up in the mundane quotidian activities. Especially with the internet, we’re never really bored, we’re always doing something, and that prevents us from having to withdraw into our own heads to pass the time. I especially love the internet, I couldn’t live without it, and I truly see the internet as one of the greatest wonders of the world, but lets face it, its changed humanity, and not necessarily for the better. We communicate more than ever, but less of it is with significant others. We communicate to people all over the globe, and it’s very interesting, but we’re not really developing ourselves. I admit it, I feel far, far more comfortable texting, writing emails or chatting to someone than speaking face to face, and I’m not proud of that. Back to passion, so many things almost constantly distract us, as our interests are so varied. Play World of Warcraft, guild mate tells you to get on MSN, he sends you link to YouTube, from there you go to another link, since your browser is open might as well check FaceBook and your mail, see what some celebrity did, etc. Any time I try to focus, by simply having a browser open I get distracted. We are a generation that fears boredom above all else, and that is understandable, as boredom is just plain crappy, but this has a side effect of making us all too hungry for more excitement. Sitting and thinking isn’t very exciting, so screw it.
Now, back to what a horrible society we live in (note: This society is not horrible for most people, in fact most of us live comfortably. However, for our comfort, so many others are suffering) - it is madness that a person with a joint gets a harsher sentence then people who stole millions from us! Am I the only one who just doesn’t get it? Is this world really that insane? Half of the news I read is barely coherent. The Finance Minister accepted an invitation from a private company to watch Arsenal, and didn't expect to be lambasted for it? Is he stupid? Lets just say it had nothing to do with bribery and conflict of interests or anything, and it was an innocent invitation. Well, he should have declined, simple as that. Go see Arsenal another time; I'm sure Mr. Fenech has enough money to do it. Why should he decline a personal pastime invitation? Because he's an elected official for a very specific reason: To run our country, and if he's to be trusted with that level of responsibility, if thousands of voters trusted their power into his hands, so he could represent them, and work for their needs, not his own, then he should not put himself in a situation like that. I must say, I agree with Daphne Caruana Galizia when she says, "It is a question of commonsense, and the lack of it". I do expect more from a Minister than to make such a mistake. Well, I used to expect a lot from Ministers, nowadays I expect nothing, but this is self-harm on his part, its ridiculous. I heard he asked the Prime Minister for permission, and I know if I had been the Prime Minister, or if he actually had any sense, he should never have received permission.
Also, just a side-note, don’t work at MacDonald's or Burger King, its not worth it. Bad pay, bad hours, whatever, but the shame you feel is just too much. Every now and then while I’m buying the €1 burgers from MacDonald's, because screw the fact that simple common human decency should deter me from ever giving money to a corporation infamous for its evil, the burgers are €1! €1! Anyway, as I was saying, every now and then I walk into MacDonald's and see a schoolmate working there, both of us are embarrassed at his predicament. We make eye contact, we smile a bit, but its more of a grimace because the eyes never lie, and when I get my burger I walk away determined not to look back, a bit ashamed at myself, a bit ashamed for him. Hell, if you really don't care, then go for it, but keep that in mind.
I have another complaint with Malta – Valletta. Now, a group of thugs once assaulted me and my friends once, and a separate occasion my bag (including my wallet and all its contents) was stolen, so I’ll admit that Valletta is a place I loathe. Anyway, I was walking around Valletta recently, and instead of a proud monument to Maltese culture, a place we can proud of as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, I see a dump, a cesspit. The place is filthy, buildings are falling apart, and I wouldn’t go live there if you paid me. Well, maybe if you paid me, I need money, but that’s beside the point. The point is that Valletta, instead of being a symbol of the pride and might and Malta, is a symbol of the Maltese “I don’t care, someone else will take of it” attitude. I don’t know if it’s the government’s or the people’s fault that Valletta is in such a bad condition, but it’s everybody’s duty to somehow fix it. More on this later. No Minister would enjoy walking down the back streets of our “glorious” capital city. I don’t even understand why it’s in such a bad state. Lets face it, unless someone can do something about it soon, we might as well demolish half Valletta and put up some new buildings. Sure, it destroys the character of the place, but since the character is not so much regal and traditional as slums at the moment, I don’t think anyone would care. Just like the redesigning of the entrance to Valletta. Taking into consideration the future generations principle, that we are only taking care of the earth for the next generation to enjoy it, it makes no sense. Few to no people born since the 80s actually care at all how the Valletta gate was before. Both due to the fact that, as I mentioned before, youths nowadays just don’t seem to care, and also because we’re used to it being wide and spacious and we like it like that. The government paid Renzo Piano over €1million to design this project, and good for him, I’m sure he’s a great architect, but lets face it, it’s a waste of money. The government is expending its energy into fields that produce next to nothing. After dealing with corruption, and spending that money on more doctors for Mater Dei, or any other of the myriad problems Malta faces, then, just maybe, we could turn to the entrance of Valletta.
As for it being somebody’s duty to fix this, why is it that Ministers with no qualifications in what they’re presiding over get to make decision for us? The government should spend more money on hiring teams of experts before they announce decisions, to make sure the decisions make sense, and less on flashy free cars for ministers. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geniocracy - That should be the right way forward, if we could be sure the geniuses aren’t assholes in any way.
There’s another thing that’s stupid and annoying in modern society – gender equality. In itself it’s a great concept, but the fact remains that women are still too often seen as sex objects. The fact that women tend to wear provocative clothes and spend so much time and money on beauty related products doesn’t help. It’s a natural biological reaction for a man to feel aroused when a woman provokes him, yet you still find women barely covering their breasts who get angry when a man stares at them. So many advertisements target women, there’s billion dollar industries solely for beauty products, that it’s a wonder women in general aren’t even more materialistic than men. Gender equality can be enshrined in the law, and it can be dragged in the spotlight as often as feminists want, but unless there is a change of attitudes then in the mind of most men women remain sex objects. Men are very accountable, of course, but women simply care too much about their appearance. Why is it that women’s clothes are generally more tight-fitting to enhance and show off their figure? Why is it that so many hairdressers and beauticians are so successful simply because of female customers? Is the mentality that without a partner a woman is less complete still around? Women, stop bitching about equal rights and start doing something about it.
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